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FASHION | "Back To School...Again" Lookbook
Hey loves! So, everyone seems to be back in school again to finish up the rest of the year. I know these types of "Back To School...
CVS Beauty Haul - New Haircare & First Impressions
Hey loves! I was coming down to the last few drops of shampoo and had braved several days straight without conditioner when I finally deci...
DIY with Devnnb: Lipstick Palette
Hi loves! Happy New Video Day! :) Woo! In this video, I share a little do-it-yourself lipstick palette: When I first decided that I ...
February 2013 Hits & Misses
Hi loves! YES, my Hits & Misses video is up on time for once! I know, it's insane. I double checked, triple checked my calendar in...
Fashion Favorite: "Hermes" Clutch
Hi loves! If you follow me on YouChoob , you'll know that I used to do a monthly segment called "Fashion Favorites". I would...
Super Glam Prom Makeup - Smokey Eye, Glitter, & Pop of Color
Hey loves! Here is my super glam and fun makeup that you can rock to prom! I am so sorry that this is going up so late, but things are jus...
"If I Went To The Oscars" Makeup & Dress | Inspired by Ginnifer Goodwin | PopSugar (=
Hey loveys, I'm sorry for being MIA towards the end of last week. A lot of things came up (good and bad) and I just had to push my sch...
My Birthday Wishlist :)
Hi loves and Happy Friday! Only 8 days until my birthday, weeee! It's so soon, too soon in fact. I'll be 24 years old and that see...
Follow Me On Poshmark, @devnnb!
Hey loves! This will be just a quick little post. I know I haven't done a blog sale in a long time, but that's mostly due to the f...
IMATS LA 2014 Haul
Hey loves! WAPOW, BACK ON THE BLOG! I know it's been forever and a day since I've posted here, but I'm going to do my very bes...