Closet Organization: How To Store Your Belts

Hi loves! I'm back with another post, boooyaaahhh! *pats self on back* For today's entry, I wanted to shed light on the disaster...

Hi loves!

I'm back with another post, boooyaaahhh! *pats self on back*

For today's entry, I wanted to shed light on the disaster of which is now my bedroom. Haha. Allow me to elaborate...

I have always struggled with organization. To be more specific, I know how to get myself organized (closet, bedroom, and all!), but I haven't found a system that I can be consistent with. Whether it be limited space or just due to sheer laziness, I'll have a seemingly pristine room one day and the next, an aftermath of what could have been a tornado (an exaggeration obviously, but darn near close haha).

To remedy this, I thought it would be great to blog a little here and there about my organization journey. I feel like posting updates here holds me more accountable and you guys can pitch in your two cents in comments below. 

Starting off with something small, I wanted to share an idea of how to organize belts. I feel like belts are such an odd thing to store. They aren't small enough like jewelry pieces to tuck away in a box, they unravel when stored in drawers (depending on the size of your belt collection and the drawer), and they won't properly hang on hangers. Upon lots of trial and error, I have now (contently) settled for this:

It's definitely something I'll need to revisit as my belt collection grows, but since it's currently a small quantity, I'm really happy with this. I rolled up all my belts individually and packed them in here.

I just used this glass bowl that I got from WalMart about a year ago. I'm pretty sure you can easily find something similar if not this exact one. I keep this bowl stored in one of my drawers next to my shorts (which you can see peeking through in the upper left corner.)

I was able to snugly fit 6 belts in this bowl. If your belt collection is larger, than I would opt for a wider bowl. 

Again, it's just something small, but it's a step towards being more organized. Let me know what you guys think in a comment below and if you have any tips/ideas of how you store your belts, I'd love to hear them!

Have an awesome day my loves! Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you again tomorrow! :)


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